Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 4 Evaluation and Course Change

Note: If you haven't read the daily posts, this probably won't make as much sense so you might want to start reading here.

Okay, so here are my main concerns at this point with some solutions I have been throwing around:

1. Hydration. This has to be a top priority. I have to figure out a method that works. I do really well hydrating on my runs, but I have to do better hydrating throughout the day which is almost more important. It is a MUST! And it might mean that I have to start setting a timer so I have a reminder to drink a glass of water.

2. Summer Heat. Really, I think the only way we can get around this, is by starting our long runs earlier. I think what this means is that we have to start our runs on asphalt and do the first miles there and then hit the trail when it is light enough. Not what I'd prefer, but I think that is the only way around it. It just isn't safe to run on the trail much before 5 and really isn't smart to extend our runs into the heat. I think we will be okay for another couple of weeks, but once we hit close to 20 miles we need to be starting earlier.

3. Staying Safe. I think this is Kent's main concern. And to be honest, the last few times out I feel the same. There are just so many variables from desert wildlife, to a potential bad fall, to some weirdo out on the trail that make it all a little risky. And especially on days like Saturday when we split up. And that is almost guaranteed to happen, because some days are just bad running days. On Saturday that happened to Melissa. I can guarantee that on another day it will happen to me. And really, because of the time frame, we really don't have the option for both of us to stop when that happens and start again on another day.

I think the best solution, is to find another runner to join with us. Ideally we would like to find a guy to run with us. But that poses another challenge in finding a man who wants to run a 50k, but that we can keep pace with. Male or female, we need to find someone who like us, isn't too fast, but is in good enough shape to do about a half marathon on terrain. I know...Picky, Picky.

I have been racking my brain but still haven't come up with someone. Any other solutions or suggestions to any of the above problems is very much welcome. In the meantime I am sure I will keep mulling them around in my brain.


Kristen said...

Rachel, I'll ask Jesse if he will run with you guys! He's used to getting up early :) J/K
On hydration...that is why I have a gazillion water bottles all through out my house that are half empty. I have the same problem.

Anonymous said...

I asked Brent if he would run with us today... and he laughed!! He would never do that volutarely...sp? That pain has almost completely gone I'm sure I'm fine...

Lori said...

Hey, bring up the name Shane Dawson to Melissa. He is a man in our Ward who loves to run. He has ran the Utah Marathon and the Boston Marathon. I think he would find this as a challenge to run with you guys. I don't think he would be running the 50K with you guys, but I think he would like the challenge on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you would like, I can talk to him.

Rachel Stewart said...

Lori, thanks for thinking about this for us...if he is running the Boston, he is WAY too fast for us. But my brother David said he is going to do it with us, so we'll see.

Christine said...

Why don't you ask david? :)

Christine said...

Umm never mind I didn't read your comment... hehe

Anonymous said...

Um yeah....Shane Dawson is crazy..I would be so burned out if we ran with him every Sat. !!

Lori said...

I thought of Shane more as a "protector" than a "destroyer" - but I guess he can't protect you if he is 6 miles ahead of you. If you could get me a mountain bike I would go with you.

Anonymous said...

rachel-- I just got all caught up on your journey! amazing! you guys have determination! i'm totally and completely impressed! way to go! i love reading about it... it's like watching someone be pregnant, it's easy and fun from the outside! woo hoo! keep it up!